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KizBasina, operating under Capli Foundation aims to combat the effects of gender bias in all domains, including Defence, Security & Peace.

The Women in Command Project is developed by KizBasina (Just-a-Girl) NGO based in Ankara (TUR); funded by the US Embassy of Ankara, NATO Public Diplomacy Division and supported by NATO Chief Scientist's Office.

The aim of the Women in Command project is to give access to more women at the decision-making tables by providing them with learning and networking opportunities.

Within the objective of developing an interactive and novel education tool, the Hybrid Threat Rising wargame has been developed. The game bears many firsts:

Turkey’s first civilian wargame.

Turkey's first wargame with hybrid elements.

The first wargame developed in Turkey to be used in a NATO member nation’s military institution.

Turkey's first wargame designed by a woman lead.

The first game designed to promote women leaders.

Turkey's first wargame to be presented in an international conference.

The Hybrid Threat Rising Game

The Women in Command: Hybrid Threat Rising game currently creates an armed conflict scenario in a realistic way with accurate/close to real-life events and consequences to be played through a 2h period. In order to achieve the most realistic outcomes, the project team has used various documents and reports written by NATO, DSTL (GBR), Institute for the Study of War etc. The game demonstrates different aspects of hybrid war such as ISR, multi-domain operations, cyber-attacks, media influence, international organizations’ effect, and kinetic war itself.

UK Civil
fgiht club

The game has been played/showcased in:
- Connections UK International Wargaming Conference 2021
- Connections OZ International Wargaming Conference 2021
- Cyber Command of Netherlands
- Land Warfare Academy of Netherlands: training of 90+ 3rd and 4th year cadets

- Hybrid Threats and National Defense Symposium of Turkish Land Warfare Academy 

- UK Fight Club’s Special Women’s Day Webinar on Successful Game Design

- NATO STO’s Tide Sprint Spring Conference in Sopot, Poland
- Georgetown University Wargaming Society
- Central Michigan University
- UK Civil Service
- UK Fight Club
- DSTL Wargaming Centre

- OR&A Conference 2022

- WIN (Wargaming Initiative NATO) Event 2022 in Paris, France

- WIN (Wargaming Initiative NATO) Event 2023 in Rome, Italy


We are always looking for more people to connect with! Feel free to reach out for demonstrations, playtests or any other inquiry. 

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